Ticketed lawmaker says community service should be option in lieu of fine

By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services-Tuscon.com-Dec 19, 2019

Necessity encourages innovative for traffic citation compliance.  Paying tickets has become a burden for citizens to pay traffic tickets in Arizona.   Recently a local legislator felt the pain of that cost and wondered why there weren’t options to satisfying the debt.  He pointed out that some people just can’t afford to pay an $80 ticket with all the surcharges that come with it.  There are payment options.  Community service in lieu of fines allows citizens to complete their sentences and at the same time provide valuable service to meet local needs.  And installment payments could also be made under payment plans supervised by the courts.  Not all are in favor of removing the payment only system which if removed, may threaten traditional methods of funding the justice system.  However, the current traffic payment process prevents traffic violators from working with the courts.  It’s better to provide solve citation compliance with options rather than wait for payments that may never come in. 

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