By BY BEN BRACHFELD-JAN. 3, 2020 2:21 P.M.of the Gothamist
The City of New York is proposing alternatives to paying court fines. The bill would establish a pilot program for “day fines,” a system common in Europe where fines are levied as a percentage of a person’s daily income for a certain number of days, rather than a fixed sum. The effect is that the burden of fines would be felt equally by everyone who receives them, instead of being disproportionately ruinous on low-income people. But does that satisfy the intended violation sanction? It’s a debate being held nationally. What makes cost sanctions fair for all? And if the fine goes away should there be other non cost sanctions in place such as community service? It’s an interesting concept but managing the change and funding the courts to keep up with new service demands should be examined as well.