Duval Clerk provides immediate service outside courtrooms.

Duval Clerk of Court committed to designating a team of employees to compliance service.  The unit is entitled (“The Clerk’s Court Fee Resolution Unit”).  There are four full-time and one part-time employees in the unit.  The office was moved apart from regular court operations to maintain focus on customer service and compliance.  The administrative team consisting of Rose Devoe, MaDra Searcy, and Jennifer Douglas supports day to day operations and planning for improvements.  Newly sentenced violators are enrolled as Duval clients.

There are 19 judges working criminal and traffic.  The pilot launch occurred on November 22 began in traffic and is currently ongoing with 2 courtrooms.  

1.Once a sentencing is complete the (“client”) is greeted by a compliance customer service agent immediately outside of the courtroom.  The agent works behind a mobile cart equipped with a laptop, printer, and forms for payment plan enrollment.

2.The agent explains options to the client and enrolls them in a payment plan.

3.No money exchanges hands but is required at the first payment plan due date.

4.The payment plan fee is added to the plan and paid prior to the end of the agreement.

5.Translators are available from court to help as needed if family members can not assist

Fred Parker, Duval Clerk Specialist of the Clerk’s Court Fee Resolution Unit helps customers immediately after court to understand payment options and enroll in a payment plan

Jennifer Douglas supervises the Court Fee Resolution unit and demonstrates one of the Mobile carts used outside of each courtroom.  Each cart is equipped with a laptop, mobile printer, and court forms to review with each customer leaving the courtroom.

Once a plan is initiated Clerks work the plan to ensure that reminder notices are delivered.  Future plans include software generated notices to clients for upcoming payments via text message and email.

The Duval Clerk’s office also works with community agencies and citizens by communicating how to keep up with fine obligations with Clerk assistance in locations across Duval County.  This involves community outreach and includes the Clerk and the Compliance Team. Feedback thus far has been positive. In addition to reaching outside of the courthouse, Duval is working with judges to explain their service which includes benefits to customers and to the court.

The traffic hearing officer has set up a Driver’s License Court to keep citizens driving beyond the Operation Greenlight effort.  Court meets monthly and is populated by traffic violators who meet the criteria of potential reinstatement.  Files are reviewed by the Resolution Unit and added to a court docket.

Duval is assisting daily to avoid driver’s license suspensions.  Each of these changes have been implemented.  Continuous compliance service will improve collections performance.

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